What-Can-I-Expect Career Tarot Spread

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I was so confused yesterday after meeting with a friend who is helping me update my crochet website. I had so many questions afterwards in terms of what I can do to manifest more cash flow. She thinks I would be great on Twitch or Tik Tok, but I’m a friggin’ introvert and a highly sensitive empath. That kind of exposure feels like looking directly at the sun without sun glasses!

So I came up with this “what can I expect” career tarot spread to see what I could learn about three pursuits I COULD engage in to generate cash flow and be happy doing it.

The Question and the Spread

What can I expect in terms of financial success and emotional satisfaction if I pursue –

1 – Teaching mindfulness meditation – Queen of Swords

2 – Writing short, non-fiction eBooks – 8 of Pentacles reversed

3 – Having a Twitch livestream of some kind – King of Wands

4 – Something I’m not aware of (card pulled from the bottom of the deck) – 10 of Cups

I probably could have done two cards for each pursuit – one representing financial success, the other emotional satisfaction. Oh well, maybe next time.

I used the Light Seer’s Tarot, my all-time favorite deck to use when I’m reading for myself.

What to expect career tarot spread using my Light Seer’s Tarot deck

It’s always intriguing when cards from a previous spread show up in subsequent spreads. It’s almost like their meaning becomes clearer by appearing in different positions over multiple spreads. The King of Wands, both upright and reversed, has shown up in several recent readings I’ve done for myself. So I probably need to pay attention to it.

1 – Teaching Mindfulness Meditation

The figure in the Queen of Swords, representing teaching mindfulness meditation is so serene sitting on her cushion in the open air. The word “equanimity” comes to mind when I see her. Perhaps learning how to teach mindfulness meditation is more about helping ME achieve more peace and equanimity so that I can focus on my writing.

After all, the Queen is looking directly at the figure in the 8 of Pentacles reversed. I watched an Eckhart Tolle video this morning on YouTube that clarified for me what present-moment awareness is and how it helps you achieve peace of mind, a quality I definitely need in order to move forward, regardless of the path I eventually choose.

2 – Writing short, nonfiction eBooks

The 8 of Pentacles reversed could be saying that I have eight! short, nonfiction eBooks that I could write and that would result in financial success (Pentacles = dollars!). It’s just that I have to friggin’ write them, and I haven’t been, hence the reversal. I have a detailed outline for the first one and notes on a few others. I just have to write it. I’ve already published one tarot and one crochet eBook, but I could definitely write a few more.

Looking at the card upright, the woman at the desk is ME! She has a laptop computer in front of her; you just can’t see it. And she looks so comfortable and at home at her desk. Doing this would definitely provide the emotional satisfaction I’m looking for.

But I have to market those books (ugh, I need help here) if I’m going to see any royalty income from them. The books could also lead to other enjoyable and emotionally satisfying ways to generate cash flow that I’m not aware of at the moment.

3 – Having a Twitch livestream of some kind

The friend mentioned above has been encouraging me to start livestreaming my crochet skills on Twitch. This is something I would never have thought of, although I’m somewhat familiar with the platform because of m daughter who watches Grand Theft Auto Online (like all the time!).

But in order to crochet on Twitch, I have to be comfortable in front of the camera and as confident and out there as the King of Wands. Like I said earlier, I’m an introvert! And my understanding is that you have to stream for hours on end and have a big following in order to make money. I don’t know if I can be emotionally satisfied doing that.

4 – Something I’m not aware of (card pulled from the bottom of the deck

If I were to take the 10 of Cups literally, I would be cuddling with my man, blissfully watching our kids play. That is not happening at this late stage in my life. Nope, not grandkids either ( wait, maybe they’re his!). I’m really not sure what specific activity the card represents, other than the need to remain positive in everything I do and to be more childlike and playful in my life in general.

Sometimes I can be way too serious, and if I chilled a little and counted my blessings more often, I’d certainly be a lot less stressed. I’d also be a lot more clear-minded and composed as I make decisions about which path to take.

It could be a reminder that happiness and emotional satisfaction are inside jobs. You have to be happy and content NOW, as best you can, whatever circumstances you find yourself in. You really can’t rely on things in external reality to make and keep you happy because external reality is impermanent. But inner happiness is always there, just waiting for us to discover it.

My decision

For now, I’m going to continue the mindfulness meditation training (because it de-stresses me) and also continue writing those eBooks, as well as other freelance writing projects that may come my way.

And learn more about Twitch. And I know just the “handle” I want to go by (stay tuned). There could very well be a way for me to crochet on Twitch without feeling overly exposed and vulnerable, and instead, feeling as cool, confident, and comfortable as the King of Wands, with his bad self, looks.