Reading Ethics and Policies

By purchasing a reading, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the following.

  • I typically use the Light Seer’s tarot deck (a Rider-Waite-Smith clone) and deal the cards by hand. At no time will I use any kind of electronic device or software to create the tarot spread or the text of your reading.
  • The reading is designed to answer a question about YOU. While other people may appear in the spread, you are the main focus of the reading. I cannot ethically do a reading on another person without their permission.
  • I am not a fortune teller; therefore, I don’t answer questions that ask me to predict the future. This is because the future is fluid and not set in stone. While the reading may point to potential outcomes based on your current energetic signature, you have the power to take the necessary steps to move in the direction of the kind of future you want to experience. Therefore, any actions or events that occur after the reading are not my responsibility; they are yours.
  • My readings provide the kind of guidance you would receive from a supportive friend or coach. I am not a licensed professional; therefore, I will not answer questions of a legal, financial, medical, or psychological nature that I am not licensed to handle and will advise you to seek professional help if I deem it appropriate.
  • Please be assured that I will keep your name and the contents of your reading strictly confidential. Review this site’s Privacy Policy for details.
  • You must be at least 18 years old to order a reading.
  • All sales are final once you have received your reading.