A “Voting Rights” Tarot Card Reading

Here’s an article I published on Medium back in July of 2021 when the wave of voter suppression bills started being passed.

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Watching Rachel Maddow a little over a week ago about the Texas State House Dems who left the state to come to DC to keep the Texas legislature from passing a restrictive voter suppression bill got me thinking.

Can I look into the future to see if the two Federal voting rights laws – The Four the People Act and The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, will be passed by the Senate and signed into law?

I typically shy away from “predict the future” questions because the future is not set in stone; it can be changed by what one focuses on in the present.

On the other hand, classic spreads like the Celtic Cross or even a simple Past-Present-Future spread include a “future” position.

I’ve come to realize that HOW we interpret this position in a tarot spread is the key to whether the reading is “deterministic” or opens us up to possibility.

Multi-colored opaque circles against a dark background, a burst of white light in their midst.
Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

The latest discoveries in science, especially in quantum physics, are telling us that there are infinite, probable futures in the quantum field that could unfold. And the one that has the best chance of manifesting is based on the attention it receives via our conscious focus on it.

So while we can’t guarantee that the reading will reveal a specific future event, we may still be able to glimpse what is possible and focus our attention on it in order to manifest the best possible outcome.

Question and Spread Positions

The main purpose of this reading is to discover how we, as a country, can ensure voting rights for all.

My original question was: Will the two voting rights bills be passed and signed into law?

But a future prediction isn’t going to help one way or the other. If the answer is yes, then we can sit back and let the chips fall where they may. If the answer is no, we may feel discouraged and give up any hope of securing voting rights for everyone.

A more empowering question would be — What can we do to ensure every U.S. citizen has the right to vote?

In order to answer this question, we need a deeper understanding of where we are now, how we got here, and what we can expect in the future as we focus on ensuring voting rights for all. I added positions 8–10 to make sure we are doing all we can to ensure the passage of these bills.

Here are the spread positions I came up with to answer this more empowering question –

(1) What is the current situation with regard to voter suppression and denial of voting rights in the U.S.?

(2–4) What past factors contributed to the current situation?

(5–7) What’s the most probable future we can expect if we focus our attention on everyone having equal access to the ballot box?

(8–10) What additional steps can we take as a country to ensure voting rights for all?

(11) Additional insight; something we’re not aware of with respect to this topic, pulled from the bottom of the deck.

Simple and sweet if I use one card for each position, making it a 5-card spread. But I decided to deal three cards for the past, future, and “what we can do” positions, turning it into an 11-card spread. The number three lends itself well to storytelling, which is why I like to use it in my spreads.

Here’s what the spread looks like when dealt.

11-card tarot tarot spread with numbers representing positions in the spread layout.
Federal Voting Rights Spread Positions

A final note: Keep in mind that this reading is being filtered through my belief system. As much as I try to be objective (is that even possible?), I can’t rule out that my own personal opinions and beliefs will influence how I interpret the cards.

The Deck

New Era Elements Tarot deck box surrounded by 4 crystals

My current “go-to” deck for doing “current events” readings is the New Era Elements Tarot, a 78-card deck based on the Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) and Thoth decks, but with images that are reflective of the 20th and 21st centuries.

The four elements of nature represent the tarot suits — Fire (Wands), Air (Swords), Water (Cups), and Earth (Pentacles).

The Reading

11-card tarot spread using the New Era Elements Tarot deck

(1) What is the current situation with regard to voter suppression and voting rights in the U.S.? — 7 OF FIRE (BRAVERY)

How interesting that the 7 of Fire (Wands) shows up in the first position representing the “current situation.” This card appeared in the final position of a spread I did for the USA back in May. It appeared in the “What do we need to do to move forward?” position.

Voter suppression is one of the many fires that those who value democracy need to put out in order to ensure voting rights for everyone. Again, it’s upright, so we have the will, confidence and belief in our ability to succeed. As Rachel said in her 7/23/21 broadcast, it’s going to be a “high summer of action” with respect to voting rights.

(2–4) What past factors contributed to the current situation? — JUDGMENT REVERSED — FATHER OF EARTH REVERSED — 5 OF AIR REVERSED (DEFEAT)

When I see the New Era Elements’ Judgment, I can’t help but start singing to myself –

“ I’m looking at the man in the mirror. I’m asking him to change his ways.”

Thanks for the perfect performance, Michael Jackson, and Siedah Garrett for the powerful lyrics.

But the card is reversed so he may be disinclined to change his ways. There are people who are unwilling to look too closely at how their behavior is negatively impacting others.

What comes immediately to mind is the behavior of many Republican State legislatures that don’t really care how the voter suppression laws they are trying to pass are hurting the people they are supposed to represent and imperiling democracy as a result.

These voter suppression bills are hurting not only people of color but every citizen, regardless of race.

Tarot cards — Father of Earth and King of Pentacles

The Father of Earth is the New Era Elements Tarot’s depiction of the RWA King of Pentacles. In the former, he’s your average, everyday Joe trying to make a living, doing the best he to make ends meet. The latter is a King on his throne, bedecked in jewels and clearly a person of considerable wealth. Quite a contrast!

The deck creator describes the Father of Earth as “practical, circumspect, and careful.” Sounds like someone on a limited income who has learned to survive the best he or she can. No fancy clothes; just practical wear to get through the work day. Voting is the best way to ensure that citizens like the Father of Earth can elect representatives who have THEIR interests at heart.

And his reversal allows him to stare at the unconscionable man in front of the cracked mirror and ask,

“WTF? Why are you doing this?”

In the New Era Elements Tarot, the reversed 5 of Air (Swords) is described as a “[f]ailure to recognize the destructiveness of one’s ideas.”

If that doesn’t say it all, I don’t know what does. And just in case you weren’t sure, the image and keyword — Defeat — drive that point home.

Things look pretty bad, but keep in mind, the Air element represents the mind. If we remain focused on how hopeless things look as our voting rights are slowly chipped away and do nothing, trembling in fear and despair, then we ensure the demise of democracy.

BOTTOM LINE: The Father of Earth refuses to be defeated, taking a stand to hold accountable his representatives who are pushing voter suppression bills.

(5–7) What’s the most probable future we can expect if we focus our attention on everyone having equal access to the ballot box?— THE MAGUS — 3 OF CUPS (ABUNDANCE) — THE EMPEROR

The Magus (Magician) is another card that appeared in my May USA reading. In that reading, the Magus was reversed, and I attributed it to the former President.

In this reading, I’m seeing the Magus in its traditional sense, as someone who knows how to create reality using the resources supplied by the four elements of nature. He has created his plan and has the confidence to move forward and execute it. Perhaps the Father of Earth has decided he’s going to take an active role in helping pass the For the People and John Lewis Acts.

On the other hand, I could interpret the image literally. Perhaps major corporations like CNN and Facebook, if they haven’t already, are going to start more vocally supporting voting rights and challenging these recalcitrant States in significant ways we haven’t seen yet.

The New Era Elements’ 3 of Water (Cups) symbolizes an outpouring of emotion in the form of three gushing waterfalls. Could this mean the two voting rights bills and maybe even an infrastructure bill make it through the Senate and onto the President’s desk for signing?

Hard to say specifically, but there’s an outpouring of emotion and joy about something (maybe three somethings?) that has (have) a good chance of manifesting.

And who’s looking over it all, making sure democracy prevails? None other than Abraham Lincoln, an interesting choice to depict The Emperor. On a symbolic level, the Emperor represents the masculine principle personified, in all of its patriarchal glory.

But the intuitive sense I get from this card is that the principle of democracy is so sound and firmly entrenched in our society that it will prevail. And Abe is going to make sure it does.

Or it could be that the present-day Lincoln Project will continue to produce those hard-hitting ads that speak out against the enemies of democracy.

BOTTOM LINE: Things are looking hopeful with respect to securing voting rights for all, but we have to not only believe it, but take whatever action we can to ensure it.

(8–10) What additional steps can we take as a country do to ensure voting rights for all? — 8 OF AIR REVERSED (INTERFERENCE) — 4 OF WATER (CUPS) REVERSED (COMFORT) — 2 OF WATER (CUPS) (LOVE)

The 8 of Air (Swords) Reversed (Interference) is telling us not get distracted from the goal, whether distractions come from within or without. And don’t take on more than you can handle. Do one thing to secure your right to vote, and do it well.

The 4 of Water (Cups) Reversed is basically telling us to get up off our rear ends and DO something. There’s no time for complacency (or Netflix binge watching … well, maybe a little). We may need to take some steps outside of our comfort zones, and change can be difficult. Take little steps, but do something.

Finally, as we work together to ensure access to the ballot box, the 2 of Water (Cups) (Love) reminds us to treat each other with dignity and respect. Being divisive, judging, name-calling, and bullying simply won’t do. Let’s substitute those divisive behaviors with cooperation, compassion, understanding, and kindness. These are the qualities that will ensure success.