Yes, I’m Still Writing About Tarot

Hello! Wonderful to see you again! I know I haven’t published any blog posts about tarot in a long while. The pandemic and the craziness of 2020-2021 kind of threw me for a loop, and my writing became very sporadic.

However, my goal for 2022 is to write more consistently.. I had thought that I would move my writing to Medium but have since had a change of heart. So without further ado …

Shalini’s New Year Tarot Spread

My tarot buddy, Shalini, and I got together a week ago for our annual, holiday hookup. We originally met at the Washington DC Tarot Society (now known as the Capitol Tarot Society) when I was still in DC. We now meet during the holidays when she comes home for a visit. She shared a cool spread with me that’s designed to provide a taste of what’s coming in the year ahead.

My Lightseer’s Tarot Deck

While we used this spread to read for each other, I decided to do one for myself a few days later with the deck I love to use use when I’m reading for myself. Carrie-Anne’s Lightseer’s Tarot always gives me deeply meaningful guidance. And I love the colorful, modern imagery and the diversity she brings to the cards.

The Spread

I like that this spread divides the year into quarters instead of months. I get a flavor for the most dominant energy that will be present during the three months of each quarter, based on where I am right now. The information from seven cards instead of 12 will be a lot easier to manage and keep in mind as each quarter unfolds.

Shalini’s New Year Tarot Spread

As I shuffled the cards, I quieted my mind by focusing on my breath and then asked the cards for insight into what I can expect to be the predominant theme of each quarter of 2022, as well as the main lessons learned and to be learned in 2021, 2022, and 2023.

In the spread below, the card at the top, far right fell out of the deck as I was shuffling, so I included it with the other seven.

The Reading

What the new year holds for me

Honestly, when I saw those reversals come up for the four quarters, I wanted to trash the spread and start over. In numerology, this is a “1” year for me, one of births and new beginnings, not obstacles and delays.

But I knew I needed to keep the spread because, with this deck, I usually get significant guidance that I didn’t expect when first viewing the cards. In addition, reversals aren’t necessarily “bad.” They can point to energy that is latent, present but not fully expressed, either because it needs more time to develop or something is blocking or interfering with its smooth expression.

First Quarter — The Fool reversed

This is the “new me” who is coming into being since I lost 30 pounds over the last two years. I’m trying to figure out who this new person is and what adventures she wants to undertake. Perhaps, I’m still holding back a bit on fully embracing this “1” year that will officially begin in May, my birth month.

There are lots of unknowns before me, so I’ll need to sustain as much as possible a positive attitude and belief that this year will unfold “perfectly,” however that turns out, and the that the “new me” will begin to blossom in earnest.

Second Quarter -The Hierophant reversed

April is when I’m supposed to begin “practice teaching” as part of my Mindfulness Meditation Teacher certification training that I began last July. One of the roles of the Hierophant is to dispense wisdom as a teacher or mentor. The reversal tells me that I still have some work to do before I can teach mindfulness meditation (I’m only half way through the certification program).

There may also be some lingering “old me” doubt that I’ll actually be able to do this. I can use the second quarter as an opportunity to let go of the doubt and replace it with a sense of confidence and “can do.”

Third Quarter — The Lovers reversed

Oooh, boy! Looks like there’s a possibility for an important romantic relationship developing. I know I’m being cautious in that department, given that I’ve been single for a while now. But I’ve been thinking recently about dipping my toe back into the relationship waters and trying to imagine the kind of relationship and man I would be happy with at this stage of my life.

I’ll either be working on figuring that out in the third quarter, or I might be given the opportunity to “cautiously” ease my little toe into the shallow end of the dating pool. We shall see.

Fourth Quarter — 10 of Swords reversed

I may experience some difficulty, or even reluctance, in letting go of some aspect(s) of the “old me” as the year winds to a close. At least I don’t have swords sticking out of my back in this version of the 10 of Swords!

And the figure in this card is the only one in the spread looking at the center card, the Empress, representing me now, pregnant with possibility (will have more to say about Her in a minute).

Perhaps keeping at the forefront of my mind the abundant future the pregnant Empress symbolizes will imbue me with a sense of excitement that allows the “new me” to unfold and makes it easier to let go of old energy and beliefs that no longer serve me.

The Previous Year’s Lesson (2021) — 9 of Cups

This depiction of the 9 of Cups is pretty accurate. I received monthly pandemic unemployment benefits as a self-employed person from March 2020 to September 2021, in addition to the two big checks everybody got.

It was also at the beginning of 2020, before the pandemic hit, that I made the decision to consciously and deliberately focus more on abundance and prosperity instead of lack and limitation. The pandemic aid, I believe, was a manifestation of that intense focus. It has given me a sense of freedom from the stress of worrying about finances.

Indeed, it felt like I had received a treasure chest full of jewels and gold, shouting hallelujah from the rooftops! And if I can manifest abundance like that once, I can do it again.

This Year’s Lesson (2022) — The Empress

The Empress is the other factor that helped me have a less worrisome view of the four reversed cards. As I said, she’s pregnant with possibility, and each quarter of the year represents one of those possibilities (she’s having quadruplets!). In fact, it looks like she’s about ready to give birth. In which case the reversals could symbolize the baby’s head, correctly positioned to move down and through the birth canal.

I therefore see 2022 as a transition year during which I have the opportunity to fully let go of the “old me” and embrace the “new me” who is just about ready to be born.

Next Year’s Lesson (2023) — King of Wands

Hmmm … looks like the work I do in the third quarter to turn the reversed Lovers upright may very well bear fruit in 2023. See the gray in his beard? He’s even around my age!

OR, this card could refer to me stepping into my power and becoming a confident leader in some capacity. And yes, I AM a cat person.

The Card That Fell Out of the Deck — 4 of Pentacles reversed

Even with the generous amount of money I received in pandemic aid, I try to be frugal in how I spend it. Doesn’t always work, but for the most part, I’ve done a good job. But the “old me” worried a lot about money, with a rather persistent focus on lack. Perhaps the reversal symbolizes the loosening of the tight grip around my purse, allowing more “9 of cups” energy and opportunities into my life.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, I don’t need to make exact predictions about the new year (e.g. the man of your dreams will show up on February 14, 2023 at 1:45 pm) to get a solid feel for the main issues I need to pay attention to in the coming months.

It will be interesting to see what unfolds. Maybe I’ll do an update six months from now to report how the first two quarters turned out.

In the meantime, try the spread yourself to see what the year holds for you.