Will The Senate Convict Donald Trump?

I don’t usually do “predictions” where I ask the cards to predict a future event. But as I was watching one of the “talking heads” shows discussing the impeachment inquiry, I decided to give it another try.

Let me say before I begin that I’m not a “political” tarot card reader. My main goal in doing readings is to provide insight and guidance to help people make decisions that empower them.

But the times we are living in are so momentous that I couldn’t resist taking a peak into the future to see how the impeachment trial will turn out.

And of course, my interpretation is going to be filtered through my personal political beliefs, so someone else may come up with a different interpretation.

The 2016 Presidential Election

2016 Election Spread

Back in 2016, I did a predictive spread on the Presidential election, using the Spiral Tarot Deck . You can read my prediction in the November 2016 edition of Tarot Reflections, the newsletter of the American Tarot Association. In this spread, Card 1 is Clinton, Card 2 is Trump, and Card 3 is A Deciding Factor.

While it was pretty clear from the cards that Trump was going to win (note especially the fourth card), I didn’t want to believe it. So my prediction was wrong.

That experience decided me against doing any more predictive spreads, especially since I understand that the future is not set in stone.

Yes, there are “future” positions in tarot spreads, but these typically refer to the most “probable future” (among an infinite number of probable futures) that will unfold based on the “present” vibrational frequency of one’s energy field. And, as a probable future, it can be changed.

Will the Senate Convict Donald Trump?

Past-Present-Future Spread + 2

I decided on a simple Past-Present-Future spread to answer this question. I always include a fourth card in my three-card spreads. It represents additional insights based on factors that are currently unknown or that haven’t percolated to the surface yet but can still be felt.

My question, “Will the Senate convict Donald Trump?”, is actually a Yes/No question (another type of question that I typically don’t answer), but the answer is something that will occur in the future.

I used the New Era Elements Tarot, a multicultural deck created by Eleonore F. Piper. It’s an updated version of the 78-card deck, based on Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) and Crowley-Harris (Thoth) symbolism.

I usually read reversals, but for this reading, I kept the cards upright because I’m using a new deck that I’m not that familiar with.

Okay, let’s take a look at each card in turn.

The Judgment card in the past position represents Trump, either being judged or judging himself. Actually, now that I look more closely at the card, the man reflected in the mirror looks a bit like Vladimir Putin. It’s almost as if he has banged his head against the mirror, causing it to crack. Piper says the card is about, among other things, “being judged [on the basis of] one’s deeds.”

I LOVE the present card, Father of Air, depicting a Chinese elder in thoughtful contemplation, as he considers the behavior of the man in the mirror. It’s the King of Swords in the traditional RWS deck, and I interpret it as the Senate carefully reviewing the evidence before coming to a decision.

The future position, the one that is supposed to answer my question, doesn’t. This is the 7 of Cups, a card that, in RWS symbolism, represents the difficulty we often have choosing the best option among several, many of which are illusory or that don’t represent one’s best interests . This deck calls the card “Illusion,” in line with Crowley’s interpretation of it.

So there could be some attempt at obfuscation of the facts or simply that the Senate’s decision at present is still up in the air.

I decided to pull a “clarifying card” for this position to see if I could nudge an answer out of the Universe.

What do I get? – the Wheel of Fortune. I interpret this card to mean that the answer will be revealed at the appropriate time.  Plus, Father of Air has his back to the future. The main focus right now is to consider the evidence. So I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

But, the Fool in the fourth position is very encouraging based on my understanding of the card – namely, it symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle of major growth and development.

In this deck, instead of a guy getting ready to step off a cliff, a baby within an egg is about to be born. I’m an optimist so am seeing it as signaling a new start for the country and even the planet, regardless of the outcome of the trial in the Senate.

It may be a shaky start, as the baby is surrounded by animals ready to eat her up. But, she represents huge potential. Therefore, we must protect her, focusing our positive energy and attention on her to ensure that she survives and flourishes.

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