My 2019 Happy New Year Spread

Here we are at the beginning of another year – 2019! Time to do my annual “New Year” reading. By the way, that’s my neighborhood, on fire last night, as Hawaii welcomed the new year. The display “wowed” me, as you can tell by my comments.

I have several spreads I can choose from to do a reading, all of them providing excellent information about what worked on in the year coming to an end and what I can expect the new year to bring based on where I am right now.

The information these spreads provide isn’t set in stone, however. They offer a look at the most probable reality we can experience based on what we are thinking, believing, feeling, imagining, and doing in the present. If you change any of these factors consistently, a new probability will begin to emerge that can manifest as your reality.

The Hourglass Spread

With that said, I decided to do the “Hourglass Spread” from one of my favorite tarot books, Designing Your Own Tarot Spreads by Teresa Michelsen.

Hourglass Spread, by Teresa Michelsen in Designing Your Own Tarot Spreads

Looks like the book is out of print, but Amazon has some used copies at reasonable prices. You can tell when an out-of-print book is REALLY good by the price to purchase a new copy, in this case, $82!

The spread starts off by providing information on the past year – what you accomplished or what you started and still need to work on.

It then moves into a more fluid realm, focusing on what will be leaving your experience soon or what you need to let go of. “Soon” in my experience is typically pretty soon, like within the first few weeks of the new year.

The middle of the hourglass represents the present moment, where you are right now. As I said earlier, the present moment is where your power lies; it’s the place where you are able to change your current reality to something you prefer. So this card will tell you where your energy (i.e. beliefs, thoughts, feelings, imagination, and behavior) is right now, how well it is supporting you, and whether you need to make any changes.

The next tier of the hourglass, another fluid realm, represents what you will soon be experiencing, again within a few weeks of the beginning of the new year.

Finally, the top row of the spread is all about the potential the new year holds. Right now, it’s just potential, so if there’s something there that’s upsetting or problematic, you can take steps NOW to change it or at least prepare for it in ways that will support your well being.

My 2019 New Year Spread

Okay, now for a look at my spread.

Happy New year to me! My hourglass spread

2018 In Review

2018 was actually a pretty good year for me, primarily because I did a lot of work on my emotional reaction to circumstances because it wasn’t supporting me.

I learned a new way of thinking and feeling that was a lot less stressful. Towards the end of the year, I was actually feeling pretty good, and some problematic circumstances started shifting toward a more positive expression.

I also published this site in the spring, a project that took me two years to accomplish. I still have lots of work to do on it, but the hard work is mostly behind me.

Finally, I was able to stop so much struggle, strain, and “efforting” as a means of goal accomplishment, instead trusting more in knowing that Universe “has my back.”

What’s Leaving or What I Need to Let Go Of

All the worrying I used to do is definitely diminishing; I just need to keep practicing the new skills I learned in 2018 so it continues to diminish. And that’s basically –

  • Being aware of when it occurs
  • Stepping back and not allowing myself to be sucked into it
  • Then deciding to think, feel, imagine, and behave in ways that support me.

The worry behavior also often kept me from acting, moving forward, and striking while the iron was hot. So if I want to accomplish the goals I’ve set for myself in 2019, the worry has got to go. This will be an on-going focus in the new year.

Where I Am NOW

I’m celebrating the successes I achieved in 2018. I’ve laid a strong foundation that I can build upon in 2019. Maintaining a positive state of mind and practicing gratitude regularly will be something I’ll need to keep at the forefront of my mind in order to have more to celebrate in 2019.

Coming Soon

It’s not as bad as it might look. The lack of progress in some areas of my life that I experienced early on in 2018 has ended, and it’s time for me to move forward.

And it appears that I’m going to be working hard as I begin a new copy writing project this month, and at the same time, do tarot readings, and continue to build content for this site and my crochet site . It will be interesting to see how it all unfolds; I may need to make some adjustments so I don’t burn myself out.

Potential for 2019

Thankfully, I’m heading away from “troubled waters,” probably because of all of the “mental/emotional” work I did in 2018.

However, it looks like I may experience some conflict in a relationship in 2019. I have a few ideas as to where this conflict might be coming from, but forewarned is forearmed. My goal will be to remain calm and centered (thanks, Temperance!) regardless of what transpires.

I think the final card might have something to do with the writing project I’m about to begin, and may even grow out of the conflict the middle card symbolizes. Again, I’ll have to wait and see what happens. It could very well be that the Universe has something even better in store for me. Time will definitely tell.

And it’s okay that I don’t know exactly what’s going to happen. That’s where trust and having a positive mindset in the present moment come in. It’s just as easy to expect the best possible outcomes as it is to see the direst of circumstances unfolding.

A “Seven” Year

I also like to take a look at the year from the perspective of numerology. I added up the numbers of my birth month – 5, birth date – 17, and current year – 2019 – to get 34. Adding those digits – 3 + 4 – gives me 7.

Seven is all about going within, seeking to understand through contemplation and reflection more about who I am – both my strengths and areas that need improvement.

This syncs well with the information the Hourglass spread has provided, given all those swords, representing mental energy, and the major arcana card, Temperance, both reminding me that the inner control of my thoughts and emotions is what will keep me balanced, calm, and centered throughout 2019.

What  Does the New Year Has In Store for You?

I’m offering to do email readings using this spread at a reduced price of $67 (regularly $97). In addition to the tarot card reading, I provide insights into your numerological year, as well any major astrological transits that might be impacting you in 2019. The discount will run through the end of January 2019.

Order your reading HERE  (scroll down to the “Deep Diving” Spreads).